The DNA of Storytelling Deepening Engagement
Cinematic Storytelling Innovations
AI biofeedback interactive story experience

Finalist: Ingenuity International Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China
Consonance is an AI biofeedback interactive movie experience where the viewer changes the narrative direction via their emotions and physiological responses. This seamless interactive movie experience enables the viewer to set specific parameters before watching the movie e.g. high suspense. Viewer’s facial expressions and eye-tracking determine the viewer’s emotional state at any moment during the movie and selecting cinematic storytelling elements to match the viewer’s expectations, thereby optimising audience attention and engagement consistently.
Finalist Cisco I-Prize Global Innovation Contest
E-movie re-structures the story to match viewer cognitive-emotion-physiological responses in real time while they watch the movie. This means that viewer’s involuntary responses to story elements control the narrative direction of the story and enable the viewer unconsciously to be storyteller, director and editor. Thereby, generating a unique personalised story experience every time the viewer watches the same movie. This is because previous viewing experience will modify their cognitive and emotional states when they watch the movie repeatedly, each time changing the narrative trajectory to optimise engagement.

Receptive Cinema™
The Journey - An Interactive Film Experience
ThinkTank, Birmingham Science Museum,UK

Receptive Cinema™ was a theoretical and practice-led research study investigating human computer interaction, storytelling, interactive narrative and how viewers/users engage with self-generated stories (interactive film) through a gestural based interface and multi-video stream manipulation.
At ThinkTank, Birmingham Science Museum, children between the ages of 10 and 14 were invited to use the gestural-based interface to create their own narrative trajectory through self-discovery and video manipulation via different circular video objects. The study found that girls enjoyed the narrative experience because it ignited their imagination to create stories, whereas boys were more interested in the way the viewer/user controlled the circular video objects.
Prototypes & Testing

Image Dynamics™
Finalist World of Learning Innovation of the Year Award
Image Dynamics™ is an innovative creativity idea generation tool by combining positive psychology with animated images, words, and sound.
Image Dynamics was implemented in a Creativity Sandpit Programme at the International Manufacturing Research Centre, Warwick University, UK.
The process helped the research team generate 500 ideas, with one of the ideas being developed into a research project and awarded £1 million funding by the IMRC committee.